What are Core Web Vitals?


Google launched the Core Web Vitals (CWV) initiative in 2020 - "essential metrics for a healthy site". The rationale for CWV was to increase the quality of the user's experience on the web. Today CWV is considered a strong ranking factor with Google themselves confirming the importance of CWV for every site owner.

Core Web Vitals metrics


CWV consists of three metrics:


      1. Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) - loading
      2. First Input Delay (FID) - interactivity
      3. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) - visual stability


SEOptimer's Core Web Vitals Checks


SEOptimer's Core Web Vitals checks are available in all standard and White Label Reports. The checks are automatically enabled on all existing White Label Report templates too.


The actual check itself contains all 3 CWV metrics within the "Usability" section of the report. The audit returns the exact metric value displayed in SEOptimer's familiar dials (similar to the dials we use further down in the "Performance" section of the report).


If the site passes Google's CWV assessment we'll display a green tick:

CWV Pass


Or a red cross will be displayed, if the site fails the assessment:

CWV Fail


As with all checks in your White Label Reports, you can toggle Core Web Vitals on/off in your Report Templates - find it under the "Usability Results" section of the Report Templates tab:

Core Web Vitals settings